The final two stops on our tour saw us visit the Seattle Mystery Bookshop and The King's English in Salt Lake City.
Seattle Mystery Bookshop is in a fantastic location and has a terrific staff, a wonderful atmosphere and a wide selection of signed books. They also have a couple of very nice traditions. One is that they have a guest book that all visiting authors are invited to sign. The other is that all visiting authors are given the chance to contribute to the store's blog. You can find my entry here:
The final stop on the tour drew my biggest crowd and we had a truly wonderful time at The King's English. This was my first outdoor event and given the high temperatures in Salt Lake, it was a perfect setting. I'm hugely grateful to Paula Longhurst, who has been a wonderful supporter of the Good Thief books, and to the very generous bookstore staff (including Nathan who gave us a lift back to our hotel!), not to mention the readers who showed up with such enthusiasm and so many good questions.
Stores like these have made the whole trip the very best of experiences.
There is a wonderful book on the founding and first years of operation of "The King's English":
I am getting my ticket punched for Venice!!!!
Posted by: Willow Arune | September 08, 2011 at 04:52 PM
Thanks for this Willow. I should check it out. TKE is a fantastic store, and a heartening place to visit
Posted by: Chris | September 11, 2011 at 10:34 AM